Sunday, April 10, 2016

It's Dangerous To Go Alone.

One of the absolute things that I love about social media, is the ability to be able to create and join groups that fit your different needs. Healthy eating, fitness, water challenges, no sugar challenges, anything you can think of, there is a group for it.

When I first started 21 Day Fix, I was put into a challenge group on Facebook with 33 other people, all working towards their goal. It was a place where you would share your progress, your struggles, recipes, questions, you name it. For being such a shy person, I was somewhat intimidated, because I only knew two people in the group. Why would strangers even care about my journey? Why would strangers cheer me for my success and support me in my failures.

One of the things that is so great about this community, is that you are welcomed with open arms, no matter what. You are celebrated beyond compare when you reach your goals. And, I was. During that specific group I won the competition they were having. In reality, everyone is a winner and no one is a loser. The only thing that is losing is the weight, inches and negativity that was in your life. It feels so good to see all my hard work pay off, and the feeling I got when others said I motivated and inspired them.

Having people that are right there with you in your journey is one of the most helpful aspects of having social media and Beachbody in your arsenal. I remember trying SEVERAL times to lose weight and exercise, and giving up each time. Having someone there to keep me accountable for my workouts and eating has been one of the key factors in my success. Watching people post their fitness and weightless journey on Facebook is a sure fire way, for me anyway, to get my butt in gear if I'm feeling like I don't want to work out. There's something about seeing 8 month pregnant women working out that quickly breaks your laziness in half.

Buddy systems are a great thing to have, and you don't even really need to workout together for it to be successful. Send a text, a Facebook message, an email, telling your friend "Hey, let's workout!" and press play. When your done, talk to them again and share your experiences, your struggles. Not only does having a friend keep you accountable in your workouts, but it's also fun. They're helping you, and you're helping them. By poking them with a message, and working out "together" you're pushing them and yourself in a workout you may or may not have done before.

Starting 22 Min Hard Corps tomorrow, I joined a new Facebook group (two even!). I feel much more confident know there's other people out there doing the same workouts as me. What's even greater is that I am able to watch other people's transformations along the way. 60 days from now, it'll be well into June and almost the official start to summer. Will I be bikini body ready? I sure hope so! I do know is I am a lot further than I was yesterday, and miles further than I would be if I was on the couch. 

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